Free Legal Consultations For Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits

Terrible side effects from faulty surgical mesh products implanted in women to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI) have triggered vaginal mesh lawsuits that have swept through courthouses across the country.

The allegations contained in these lawsuits are heartbreaking to read as women claim short and long-term physical harm ranging from pain, infections, perforations, sterility, bleeding and autoimmune system complications.

Although these vaginal mesh lawsuits can date back to over a decade ago there is still time for other women who suffered serious complications to come forth and seek compensation for their suffering, according the national network of attorneys available through Injury Help Desk.

However, there may be legal time limits that could adversely affect your ability to collect damages for any injuries suffered so please act immediately for a free consultation by contacting the national network of experienced lawyers available through Injury Help Desk.

The statistics are staggering, as detailed in a recent story in The New York Times:

More than 100,000 women have filed suits in federal court and thousands more have done so in state courts. A half-dozen medical device manufacturers, including Boston Scientific and Johnson & Johnson, have agreed to pay billions of dollars to tens of thousands of injured women. Lawyers have said in court filings that the final tally could exceed $10 billion. Three dozen women whose cases have gone to trial have won an average award of $14 million.

These cases have pushed the vaginal mesh lawsuits to rank among the largest such cases seen in such litigation. That’s understandable because surgical meshes have been used on thousands of women to treat POP AND SUI.

As women age their abdominal and reproductive organs can slide downward as tissues holding them in place weaken. What can follow are uncomfortable and sometimes painful incidents of incontinence and vaginal prolapse.

The disruption in normal bowel functions and interruption of sexual relations caused severe physical and mental stress and implantation of transvaginal mesh to support these organs and relieve these serious health issues became widespread in the medical community.

It didn’t take long for complications to surface and numerous complaints about faulty devices causing even more health problems and second and third surgeries had to be performed to repair serious side effects from the first operation.

Here’s a list of some of the most commonly reported vaginal mesh complications among women who underwent operations to implant transvaginal mesh for treatment of POP and SUI:

  • Bleeding
  • Bowel perforation
  • Bladder perforation
  • Depression
  • Perforation of other organs
  • Contraction of the vagina
  • Constant discomfort or pain
  • Inability to have sex because of pain
  • Infection
  • Mesh erosion
  • Reappearance of POP or SUI
  • Urinary problems
  • Vaginal scarring

The Food and Drug Administration was forced to take action over transvaginal mesh health problems and on April 16, 2019, issued this order:

The FDA ordered all manufacturers of surgical mesh intended for transvaginal repair of anterior compartment prolapse (cystocele) to stop selling and distributing their products immediately. The FDA has determined that the manufacturers, Boston Scientific and Coloplast, have not demonstrated reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness for these devices, which is the premarket standard that now applies to them since the agency reclassified them into class III (high risk) in 2016.

Since the FDA has not received sufficient evidence to assure that the probable benefits of these devices outweigh their probable risks, the agency has concluded that these products do not have reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.

If you or a loved one has suffered from a vaginal mesh injury please contact our specialized lawyers available through Injury Help Desk for immediate assistance and a free consultation about your possible legal rights to compensation.

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